Own A Dog? These Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier

If you own a dog, you must be so proud of your little bundle of joy. The way they treat you after a hectic day at work, the way they make you happy whenever you feel low, and the way they look at you with eyes full of love... the feeling can't be described in words, can it?

However, the struggles of owning a pet dog are not hidden from the world, which is why we see lesser people adopting dogs these days. Here are some genius life hacks, which would make the lives of all dog-owners easier.

1. To trick your pooch into cleaning his tooth, rub some toothpaste over its chewy bone toy and let it play around.

2. If you want to make sure that your dogs don't run away when you take them for a walk, use a leash secured by a carabiner, using which you can take more than one dog for walk.

3. You can make your own dog toys by household products. All you would need is a tennis ball, some socks, and the existing toys of your pet. Know more about it here.

4. Before you start cleaning dog hair from your carpets or the seats of your car, make sure that you use a small wiper to wipe the hair from the carpet. This would make sure that the cleaning process doesn't clog your vacuum cleaner.

5. Wet rubber gloves can be very effective to clean dog hair from chairs, sofas and cushions. 

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