If traveling isn't something that you do on a regular basis, you must know the pain of having to roam around the airport with no clue in the world. Also, having to pay for those overpriced water bottles and snacks surely burns holes into our pockets, doesn't it?

However, using some clever tips and knowing some psychological hacks can help you with the issues of long queues and overpriced items.

Here are a few hacks that you can use at the airport, which would save you some time, efforts and money when you visit the airport the next time.

1. Carrying water bottles is not allowed after the security check, which is why you either have to buy expensive water bottles or go to water dispensers again and again as you wait for the boarding announcement. To save yourself from this, carry an empty water bottle with you, and once you are done with the security check, you can fill it once and sip from it whenever you want. Drop the bottle in the bin once you are about to board.

2. If you want to get more comfortable seats without having to pay more, arrive at the airport just half an hour before the check-in ends, being sure that you don't miss your flight. This is the time that you can ask for the better seats, because all passengers by then would have sufficed with the bad seats. Alternatively, you can reach the airport an hour before the check-in starts and can opt for the best seats available.

3. To avoid paying for the overpriced food items, bring your own snacks from home. A packet of biscuits and chips can easily fit in your carry bag, and would help you cater to the hunger pangs as you wait for the announcement.

4. In order to avoid waiting in long immigration queues, play a psychological trick and head to the farthest left counter. The trick here is that majority of people are right-handed, which would make them head to their right side for standing in queues. You can head to the left ones so that there are a fewer people there, probably the ones who know this trick.

5. If you are a frequent flyer, make sure that you don't switch airlines. Being loyal to an airline would mean that you get some benefits like seat upgrades, priority boarding and access to business lounges.

6. Most airports today offer free WiFi, and you can surf the internet for free while you wait for the craft to be ready. For the ones that don't have free wifi, try and be seated near the telecom counters while you wait, and make use of their WiFi.

7. Lastly, when you are carrying only one bag and you need it to be less than the weight allowed for hand luggage, make sure that the bag doesn't surpass the weight because of clothes stuffed in it. Wear as many clothes as you can, and take them off once you are done with the security check, keeping them back in the bag.