·         2 cups cashew nuts (kaju)
·         1/4 cup milk powder
·         1 cup sugar
·         Melted ghee for greasing
1.      Blend the cashew nuts in a mixer to a fine, smooth powder.
2.      Put the cashew nut powder and milk powder in a deep bowl, mix well and keep aside.
3.      Put 1 cup of water and sugar in a broad non-stick pan, mix well and cook on a high flame till the sugar dissolves and forms a one string consistency, while stirring continuously. It will take around 7 to 8 minutes.
4.      Lower the flame to medium, add the cashew-milk powder mixture, mix well and cook for 3 minutes or till no lumps remain, while stirring continuously.
5.      Switch off the flame and pour the cashew mixture in a plate and keep aside to cool completely for half an hour.
6.      Once cooled, scrape out the cashew mixture from the plate with the help of a flat ladle and knead into smooth dough.
7.      Divide the dough into 2 equal portions and keep aside.
8.      Grease two 250 mm. (10”) thalis on the backside and a rolling pin with a little melted ghee.
9.      Place a portion of the dough on a greased thali, flatten it and roll it into a 225 mm. (9”) diameter circle using the greased rolling pin. Ensure to lift the rolled out dough occasionally so it does not stick to the thali.
10.  Repeat step 9 to roll another portion of the dough. Keep both the thalis aside for 2 to 3 hours to set.
11.  Cut into diamond shaped pieces and scrape the kaju katli from the thali with the help of a knife.
12.  Serve or store in an air-tight container. It stays fresh for upto 7 to 8 days.