Here Is How You Should Deal With People Suffering From Anxiety

When someone close to us is dealing with anxiety, it's not exactly a comfortable situation. With the lack of patience, anyone can get tired of trying to talk someone out of anxiety, and when that happens, it sabotages the relationship, sometimes to an irrevocable extent.

If you are close to someone who you know is suffering from anxiety, these are the ways that you should deal with them.

1. Don't just try to wait for things to normalize; you need to take your friend out, as much as you can. This could be anything, a walk, a drive, a ride, a movie or just a cup of coffee. When your friend's mind is deviated from anxiety, that's when he would find the motivation to fight from it.

2. You need a lot of patience when you are dealing with someone suffering from anxiety. While you are trying to be with them, they might try to push you back, because they want space. It's totally fine, they deserve their personal space and you should not take this to your heart. Move away for some time, while telling them that you are always there for them.

3. If you would really like to help your friend who is suffering from anxiety, read about it. Learn what causes it and then think of what would have triggered it in your friend. Moreover, when you read about it, you would be able to figure out how you can help your friend in recovering from it.

4. Don't let anyone else know that your friend has a chemical imbalance in his or her mind. People may be ignorant about it and could make fun of your friend, which would block their room for recovery. Moreover, make plans keeping in mind their anxiety, but don't let them know that you have to adjust for their convenience. The last thing they might want is for their friends to be uncomfortable because of their condition.

5. Lastly, dealing with a person suffering from anxiety can be emotionally stressful. However, convince yourself that you would have been with them had they been through a different, maybe visible illness, like fever. Trust us, when they recover, you would know how thankful they would be to you for sticking around when no one else did.

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