Two Kinds Of People, Explained In Posters

There are always two kinds of people in this world, and the basis of division could be anything. There are people who like sleeping on the left side of the bed, and the ones who always toss to the right side, there are some who party over the weekends and the ones who prefer to sleep all through. There is a lot that loves the sitcom FRIENDS more than HIMYM, and some who don't even give a glimpse to TV. 

Joao Rocha, a Lisbon-based artist has come up with a series of posters that identify the interesting pattern and difference between the two categories of people, and he does it beautifully, without any words.

Here are some of his best posters, which beautifully demonstrate the subtle differences in choices which make every person unique. Which category do you fall into? Leave your comments below and you could also suggest other options we may have missed out on.

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