7 Signs Of People Averse To Being Touched

The English language has a word, haphephobia, which is the fear of being touched. However, more than fear, there are people who hate being touched. While the language still has to discover a word for this, here are a few points that everyone who hates being touched would instantly relate to.

1. You see everyone celebrating life and hugging each other, but you prefer standing in a corner and pray to be invisible to those huggers' eyes.

2. You simply hate going to meetings and office parties, because of the never-ending line of people you have to shake hands with.

3. You have landed into trouble for excusing yourself from responsibilities that involve social interaction of any kind.

4. You don't get tattoos only because you know that people are going to touch you and ask how it feels.

5. You own cats as your pets, because like you, even they don't like being touched and patted. You respect each other's personal space equally.

6. Talking of personal space, your walled circle of a personal space is way bigger than the tiny bubble that other people call their personal space.

7. No one, and no one ever is able to understand why you suddenly get mean when they touch you.

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