DIY Pepper Spray

If you are a girl who has recently started travelling alone, you are bound to feel insecure. This, sadly, is the reality of the Indian society, where girls are not safe even in broad daylight. While you can always learn self-defence as a measure to protect yourself, there is one thing that you should always carry in your purses. We are talking of pepper sprays, which can prove to be helpful if you are surrounded by anti-social elements.

Here is how you can make pepper sprays at home so that you don't have to wait for anyone to get it for you or order one online.

You would need 4-5 red chilies, two pinches of black pepper, clean water, a clean spray bottle (perfume or rose water bottles work well), and gloves and goggles for your own safety.

Add spoon-crushed chili peppers in little bit of water, enough to soak them in. The peppers should be crushed well that they don't have any seeds in it. After soaking the peppers in water for 10 minutes, you can add the black pepper (which is for making your attacker cough).

Now add a whole glass of water (with chili and black pepper) and boil it till it starts fuming. Let the water cool down for a while and using a funnel, pour it in the spray bottle.

You are done. Keep the bottle in your bag and use it for your own safety. However, you need to be sure that you don't misuse the pepper spray. Even though it's legal to use pepper spray when you are in danger, you would have a hard time explaning yourself to the police if you use pepper spray on someone just for the sake of fun.

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