Here Is How You Can Make Strawberry Jam At Home

· 4 cups of fresh strawberries
· 6 cups of sugar, and
· a little bit of lemon juice.

The tingling taste of strawberries can be enjoyed all through the year, thanks to the yummy jams that can be made from strawberries when they are in season.

Here in, we tell you an easy and quick recipe to make strawberry jam at home, so that you can relish the taste of strawberries long after they have gone from the fields and your fridges.

You would need 4 cups of red strawberries (fresher the better), 6 cups of sugar, and a little bit of lemon juice.

Take the berries and wash them thoroughly. You have to remember to wash them just when you are about to make the jam because washed strawberries tend to spoil quickly. Next, you have to remove the stems from the strawberries, for which you can use a straw.

Up next, mash the strawberries well in a container, leaving some chunks in there to give the jam the required texture. Mashing the berries would naturally increase their volume, and you would now have 6 cups of mashed strawberries with you. Next, add 3 to 4 tablespoons of lemon juice into the container that has the mashed strawberries in it. The juice would not only add to the flavor but would also make your jam last long by preventing bacteria.

Now add the sugar into the mashed strawberries and lemon mixture. Cook the pot at high flame till the time it boils. This can take up to 40-45 minutes, but you would have to stir it well in between so that it doesn't stick to the pan. Use a wooden spoon to stir the mixture as it would also avoid bubbling.

To know whether the jam is ready or not, take a plate and place it in the freezer, allowing it to freeze. When you think that the jam is ready, take the plate out and drop a ball of jam on the plate. If the jam doesn't drip, it's good to go.

Next, take some clean and sterilized jars and pour the jam carefully into these jars. To store the jam, place the jars in boiling water for 10 minutes before allowing them to cool down. This would seal the jars well and you would have long-lasting strawberry jams for whenever you feel like tasting some.

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