The asana strengthens the internal organs and stretches your back which releases the pain. It massages your spine but if you have ever experienced any severe back injury in the past, please Do NOT do this.
1.      Sit in padmasana, the lotus pose. If you are not able to so that, keep a cushion under your buttocks.
2.      Close your eyes breathe normally and bring both the hands behind your back.
3.      Hold the left wrist with right hand and gradually bend forward while exhaling.
4.      Bend as much as you can and try to touch the floor with your nose. Do not over do it as it might hurt you.
5.      Hold the position for 8-10 counts and breathe deeply.
6.      Now return to the starting position slowly while inhaling and relax.
7.      Repeat the asana 3-5 times.