Remember the advices that we gave you on 'things to keep in mind before falling in love with an introvert and an extrovert'? Now, it seems you have fallen in love with someone who has a guarded heart, which is why you mailed us, asking for tips on the same.

Those who don't know what a guarded heart means, here is a simple definition: a person who has either suffered heartbreaks or fears them, and doesn't wants to get too close too soon. Pursuing someone with a guarded heart can prove to be a struggle also, if you run out of patience easily, because you won't be getting back the love you would be showering on that person, at an expected lighting speed.

So, here are 5 things that you should know about a person having a guarded heart before pleasing and falling in love with them.

1. You don't have to be always around them. People with guarded hearts are different from usual people, because they mostly prioritize their 'me time', often pondering over what went wrong and why things are the way they are. Even if you try very hard to step in their zone, they will keep you at a distance until you win their trust.

2. There will be times when you will feel that even after being with them for so long, they don't trust you. This is because their trust was, maybe, brutally shattered by someone, which is why they don't want to risk trusting someone and go through the pain again. However, find solace in the fact that whenever they start trusting you, they will trust you with their life and then there will be no stopping.

3. People with guarded hearts are neither introvert nor extrovert. While sometimes you will see them sitting silently in a corner even amidst a huge celebration, there'll also be times when you would wonder how madly they enjoy few parties and hangouts. Guarded hearts don't always mean broken hearts. You should love them enough to adjust with both their reserved and open nature.

4. Guarded hearts will act different in different situations. On some days, you will feel like you are with a complete stranger, who doesn't even like shaking hands, and there will be days they will shower bear hugs on you. That is the day that you should work out for in this relationship.

5. And when that golden day comes, remember that all your efforts and patience have worked, and they have welcomed you in their life and heart, to never let you go. They say that people who have broken or guarded hearts are extra cautious in protecting their relationship, because they don't want to go through what they went through in the past.