In this age and time, there is a lot of pressure on the students to excel in every aspect of life, be it studies, sports, public speaking, or creative fields. While we have been providing you with various hacks for every aspect of life, here are some study hacks that you can use to do better in studies.

1. Read Out Loud
While you might have seen some people learning silently, it would be more beneficial if you read the answers loudly. There is a reason why you remember the lyrics of all songs you listen to; your brain responds more to the voices you hear.

2. Targets
Give yourself targets before you sit down to study. In a stipulated time, you can either fix the number of questions that you would learn, or fix the number of pages that you would go through. This would prevent you from losing focus and wasting time.

3. Be a Teacher
If you want to grasp whatever you learn, try explaining everything that you have learnt to someone who would sit silently and listen to you. This would make you confident that you have learned everything well.

4. Jot It To Note It
The best way to remember something is to write it down. You would not believe how good you would be with the lessons that you write down after you learn them. What happens here is that your brain remembers the words you write much better as compared to the words that you learn.

5. Use The Internet
Kids today have the advantage of using internet for their studies, which their previous generations didn't have. Use the internet to research more about the topic that you have to learn, and finding easier words to learn the lessons.

6. Take Regular Breaks
It doesn't pay much to sit for hours and study. When your brain is tired, it doesn't remember anything for a longer period of time. Instead, take regular breaks from studying and give your brain the required time to remember everything that you have just read.

7. Chew Gum
If you want your brain to remember what you learned the last day, chew the same flavor of chewing gums while learning the topics and giving the exam. Know more here.

8. Walk
If you want your brain to be more active while giving your exams, walk for a good 15 to 20 minutes before the exam starts. This would wake your brain up and you would remember the answers better.